Enem Chemicals GmbH

Enem Chemicals GmbH Terms & Conditions

Enem Chemicals GmbH (“Seller” or RSI) is engaged in the business of manufacturing and distribution of fine chemicals and laboratory supplies to its customers. By using Seller’s products or services, you (the “Customer”) agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions which together with any purchase order executed by RSI and the Customer, comprises the entire agreement (“Agreement”) between RSI and the Customer.

Any provisions contained in any document issued by Buyer are expressly rejected and if the terms and conditions in this Agreement differ from the terms of Buyer’s offer, this document shall be construed as a counter offer and shall not be effective as an acceptance of Buyer’s document. Buyer’s receipt of Products or Seller’s commencement of the services provided hereunder will constitute Buyer’s acceptance of this Agreement. This is the complete and exclusive statement of the contract between Seller and Buyer with respect to Buyer’s purchase of the Products.

No waiver, consent, modification, amendment or change of the terms contained herein shall be binding unless in writing and signed by Seller and Buyer. Seller’s failure to object to terms contained in any subsequent communication from Buyer will not be a waiver or modification of the terms set forth herein. All orders are subject to acceptance in writing by an authorized representative of Seller.

A. Price

All prices published by Seller or quoted by Seller’s representatives may be changed at any time without notice. All prices quoted by Seller or Seller’s representatives are valid for thirty (30) days, unless otherwise stated in writing. All prices for Products will be as specified by Seller or, if no price has been specified or quoted, will be Seller’s price in effect at the time of shipment. All prices are subject to adjustment on account of specifications, quantities, raw materials, cost of production, shipment arrangements or other terms or conditions which are not part of Seller’s original price quotation.

B. Specifications

Product specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

C. Payment Terms

We accept payments via bank transfers, cryptocurrency, master & visa, zelle payments as well as cashapp. For bulk orders please contact us for quotation and discounts allocations. 

D. Taxes and Other Charges

Taxes are included in the prices of all products available on Enem Chemicals GmbH Website. 

E. Shipping

Please read our Shipping and Returns policy

F. Returns

Please read our Shipping and Returns policy

G. Product and Service Warranties and Limitation of Liability

(a) RSI warrants to Buyer the following:

i. All products provided to Customer pursuant to this agreement (each a “Product”, and collectively, the “Products will meet the manufacturer’s specifications for a term equal to the warranty period stated in the Product manufacturer’s literature or sixty (60) days, whichever is longer; and

ii. Services provided, if any, will be of the kind and quality designated and will be performed by qualified personnel.

(b) If any Product or service warranted hereunder proves defective or non-conforming, Enem chemicals GmbH sole liability and Customer’s sole remedy hereunder shall be for RSI, to repair or, at our option,

(i) replace (or re-perform the Service), at no cost to Customer, any such defective or non-conforming Product with a non-defective or conforming Product (as applicable) or

(ii) credit Customer’s account for all amounts paid with respect to the defective or non-conforming Product or Service upon RSI receipt of the defective or non-conforming Product. In the event of replacement, the replacement Product will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or ninety (90) days, whichever is longer.

(c) However, in no event shall Seller have any obligation to make repairs, replacements or corrections required, in whole or in part, as the result of

(i) normal wear and tear,

(ii) accident, disaster or event of force majeure,

(iii) misuse, fault or negligence of or by Buyer,

(iv) use of the Products in a manner for which they were not designed,

(v) causes external to the Products such as, but not limited to, power failure or electrical power surges, or

(vi) improper storage and handling of the Products. Any installation, maintenance, repair, service, relocation or alteration to or of, or other tampering with, the Products performed by any person or entity other than Seller without Seller’s prior written approval, or any use of replacement parts not supplied by Seller, shall immediately void and cancel all warranties with respect to the affected Products.

Seller’s warranty shall be limited to Products which are defective or non-conforming, which is defined as a Product which is outside of the manufacturer’s defined Product specifications. A defective or non-conforming product does not include Products that fail to meet any fitness of use by Customer or any unique Customer operating conditions or applications.

(d) If you believe a Product falls within our warranty and requires repair or service, please contact RSI for instructions on how to proceed.

Any warranties or claims, expressed or implied, by RSI for its products are valid only if they are sold directly to the buyer by RSI or sold through one of the US or worldwide distributors authorized by RSI

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Products supplied by Seller that are obtained by Seller from an original manufacturer or third party supplier are not warranted by Seller, but Seller agrees to assign to Buyer any warranty rights in such Product that Seller may have from the original manufacturer or third party supplier, to the extent such assignment is allowed by such original manufacturer or third party supplier.

H. Limitation of Liability

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the liability of Seller under these terms and conditions (whether by reason of breach of contract, tort, indemnification, or otherwise, but excluding liability of Seller for breach of warranty (the sole remedy for which shall be as provided under WARRANTY above)) shall not exceed an amount equal to the lesser of

(a) the total purchase price theretofore paid by Buyer to Seller with respect to the Product(s) giving rise to such liability or

(b) one million dollars ($1,000,000).

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in no event shall Seller be liable for any indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages (including without limitation damages for loss of use of facilities or equipment, loss of revenue, loss of data, loss of profits or loss of goodwill), regardless of whether Seller

(a) has been informed of the possibility of such damages or

(b) is negligent.

I. Indemnification

Customer shall defend, indemnify and hold RSI and its officers, directors, employees, and agents with competent counsel and hold harmless Seller from and against any and all claims, actions, liability, expenses, costs, or losses arising (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees and disbursements and court costs)  to the extent arising from or in connection with

(i) the negligence or willful misconduct of Buyer, its agents, employees, representatives or contractors;

(ii) use of a Product in an application or environment for which it was not designed;;

(iii) modifications of a Product by anyone other than Seller without Seller’s prior written approval; 

(iv) Seller’s compliance with designs, specifications or instructions supplied to Seller by Buyer;

(v) any breach by Customer of its obligations hereunder. This Section 9 shall survive termination and cancellation of this Agreement.

J. Proprietary Information

Buyer agrees that all pricing, discounts and technical information that Seller provides to Buyer are the confidential and proprietary information of Seller. Buyer agrees to

(1) keep such information confidential and not disclose such information to any third party, and

(2) use such information solely for Buyer’s internal purposes and in connection with the Products supplied hereunder.

Nothing herein shall restrict the use of information available to the general public. Buyer shall inform its employees, agents, and representatives of these obligations and shall require them to assume equivalent obligations.

K. Miscellaneous

(a) Termination – This Agreement may be terminated by either party for convenience at any time upon reasonable written notice delivered to the other party. In the event of any termination or expiration of this Agreement, Customer shall be billed immediately for Products shipped through the effective date of such termination or expiration and all custom Products purchased for Customer in RSI inventories at such date, and Customer shall pay the invoiced amount immediately upon receipt of such invoice.

(b) Delivery, Cancellation and Changes by Buyer – The Products will be shipped to the destination specified by Buyer, F.O.B. Seller’s shipping point. Seller will have the right, at its election, to make partial shipments of the Products and to invoice each shipment separately. Delivery of all orders will be FCA (INCOTERMS 2000). Shipping and handling fees, special packaging materials (e.g., blue ice), carrier surcharges and hazardous material fees imposed by government regulation will be added separately to the invoice. Seller reserves the right to stop delivery of Products in transit and to withhold shipments in whole or in part if Buyer fails to make any payment to Seller when due or otherwise fails to perform its obligations hereunder.

All shipping and delivery dates are approximate only, and Seller will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any delay in delivery or failure to deliver which is due to any cause beyond Seller’s reasonable control. In the event of a delay due to any cause beyond Seller’s reasonable control, Seller reserves the right to terminate the order or to reschedule the shipment within a reasonable period of time, and Buyer will not be entitled to refuse delivery or otherwise be relieved of any obligations as the result of such delay. Orders in process may be canceled only with Seller’s written consent and upon payment of Seller’s cancellation charges, where applicable.

Orders in process may not be changed except with Seller’s written consent and upon agreement by the parties as to an appropriate adjustment in the purchase price therefore. Credit will not be allowed for Products returned without the prior written consent of Seller.

L. Title and Risk of Loss

Notwithstanding the trade terms indicated above and subject to Seller’s right to stop delivery of Products in transit, title to and risk of loss of the Products will pass to Buyer upon delivery of possession of the Products by Seller to the carrier; provided, however, that title to any software incorporated within or forming a part of the Products shall at all times remain with Seller or the licensor(s) thereof, as the case may be.

(a) Severability – If any term or provision of this Agreement or any application thereof shall be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement and any application of the terms and provisions shall not be affected thereby, but shall remain valid and enforceable.

(b) Time Limitations– Regardless of any contrary statute or law, any suit seeking to enforce any provision of, or based on any right arising out of, this Agreement must be filed within one (1) year from the date that the cause of action arose.

(c) Enforceability – Seller’s failure to enforce, or Seller’s waiver of a breach of, any provision contained herein shall not constitute a waiver of any other breach or of such provision.

M. Product Liability Disclaimer

RSI makes no guarantee and provides no warranty or representation of any kind, express or implied, concerning the fitness or suitability of any RSI product for any use or application, and RSI shall have no liability or obligation of any kind if an RSI product is used for an application for which it is not fit or suited.

Purchasers and users of RSI products have the sole responsibility for determining the fitness and suitability of RSI products for the applications for which they are used.

N. Pure Ethanol/Alcohol Purchases

All Pure Ethanol/Alcohol products are Food Grade but are not permitted for beverage use. Must be 21 or older to purchase Pure Ethanol/Alcohol products, and comply with all local, state and federal laws.

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